Pacific Union "All God's People," May 17, 2024 S8 E10



On May 9, the La Sierra University Board of Trustees unanimously approved the appointment of Dr. Christon Arthur to serve as the university’s sixth president. He arrives from Andrews University in Michigan, where he has been provost since 2016. Dr. Arthur will begin his presidential duties on July 1. He takes over the leadership post from Dr. Richard Osborn, who was selected last fall to serve as the university’s interim president following the resignation of Dr. Joy Fehr. Dr. Osborn will continue to serve the campus through the end of June.

Read the entire article on the La Sierra website

Maria Ejurango was ordained at the Waterman-Visayan Fil-Am church on May 4. She is the first Filipina to be ordained as a pastor. Jonathan Park, president of Southeastern California Conference, said, "We are grateful for her tireless efforts in ministry and the significant impact she has made in the lives of many. It is a testament to her unwavering faith, dedication, and commitment to serving the community."


The May 2024 Recorder should be in your homes and is also available online in English and Spanish. This month’s cover features our Pathfinders.

Online Recoder in English

En línea Recorder en español


May is National Mental Health Awareness Month—a time to raise awareness about mental illness and related issues in the United States. Recently, attitudes toward mental health issues appear to be changing. Negative attitudes and the stigma associated with mental illness have lessened, and there has been growing acceptance of mental health issues and support for people who are dealing with them.

Resources for Mental Health Awareness Month:
National Alliance of Mental Illness (nami)
Mental Health America (MHA): Where to Start
Adventist Health: Recognizing and Responding to Mental Health Red Flags



Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2024 will occur on Monday, May 27. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings, and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

Read about the history of Memorial Day