Pacific Union “All God’s People,” April 15, 2022 S6 E13


Christians around the world are celebrating Holy Week—the final week in the ministry of Jesus Christ, which includes the two pivotal moments in His life so significant to the Christian faith: His death and resurrection.

We spoke with Elder Bradford Newton, president of the Pacific Union Conference, and with Elder Sandra Roberts, executive secretary of the Pacific Union, about the resurrection and the empty tomb—particularly about how the discovery of the empty tomb by Mary and the other women was so significant to the development of the early church and the proclamation of the gospel. 

We also asked Elder Roberts and Elder Newton about why the things that happened Easter morning are so important to our understanding of God’s grace and His plan for the church.

Their insightful answers make up the Easter special episode this week.

Our prayer today is that All God’s People may be blessed during this special time as we contemplate God’s grace and unwavering love for our world.