Pacific Union “All God’s People,” April 29, 2022 S6 E15


The Hawaii Conference has elected a new president. Delayed for two years by the pandemic, the Hawaii Conference met for their regular constituency session on April 24, 2022. Elected as president is Erik VanDenburgh, replacing Ralph Watts III, who is retiring. Reelected were Jay Warren, executive secretary, and Benjamin Supit, treasurer. Pacific Union Conference President Bradford C. Newton, as well as the other officers of the Pacific Union, were on hand to participate and assist in conducting the session.

Pacific Union College is celebrating 140 years in 2022. At the homecoming celebration on Sabbath, April 16, the 24th president of Pacific Union College, Dr. Ralph Trecartin, was inaugurated at a worship-filled service in the Pacific Union College sanctuary. We wish you many blessings, Dr. Trecartin, as you take up this challenge and opportunity to lead our beloved Pacific Union College. And happy 140th anniversary, PUC!

Watch the Inauguration service:

Read the News article:

Cheri Dawson, third-grade teacher at South Bay Christian School and passionate lifelong reader, was honored at the L.A. Clippers Teacher Appreciation Night recently.

Dawson was one of seven teachers recognized that night. Before the game started, the group was invited to the floor, where they each were announced and given a plaque. Dawson received four floor-seat tickets and an additional 20 tickets for friends and family to celebrate with. This honor acknowledged her dedication to helping her students find joy in reading.

Read the article:

Adventist education—from Pre-K through college and beyond—is a hallmark of our church’s mission. From third-grade teacher Cheri Dawson to college president Dr. Ralph Trecartin, we say “thank you” for your dedication and commitment to our students and to your calling. 

Isaiah 40:31 comes to mind as we think of our leaders and educators.
But those who wait on the Lord 
Shall renew their strength; 
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, 
They shall run and not be weary, 
They shall walk and not faint. (NKJV)