Pacific Union "All God's People," September 6, 2024 S8 E18



The inaugural Festival of SABBATH celebration took place August 23 and 24 at the San Bernardino Community Seventh-day Adventist Church.

What is the Festival of SABBATH? It’s a project initiated by the Pacific Union Conference and three local conferences—Southeastern California Conference, Southern California Conference, and Arizona Conference—in collaboration with Journey Films, AdventSource, the Center for Community Change at Andrews University, and Versacare Foundation.

In his latest film, SABBATH, which was released to PBS stations nationwide on June 1, 2023, award-winning filmmaker Martin Doblmeier explores the religious, secular, psychological, and sociological implications of a weekly day of rest for a “profoundly burned-out world.” The wide-ranging two-hour documentary delves into the history and practice of an ancient concept that is rooted in the biblical story of Creation.

The Festival of SABBATH brings together diverse communities to reflect on the importance of the Sabbath, emphasizing its value for spiritual renewal, physical rest, personal faithfulness, and engaged communities. It’s still in development, but this inaugural pilot at the vibrant San Bernardino Community church has helped us in the crafting of resources for future Festivals.

The theme was “Sabbath is Made for Me” and a video montage from the weekend includes highlights from the spirit-filled celebration.

Links to watch Martin Doblmeier’s 2-hour documentary SABBATH: