GC Session Day 3 Highlights - June 9, 2022




Day 3 of the General Conference session was fully packed with more beautiful music, powerful words from speakers and presenters, and business meetings!

You'll find many stories below on both Tuesday's and Wednesday's GC session days!



News from Adventist News Network



Adventist Church Enjoys Positive Financial Outlook Despite Turbulent Times

On Tuesday afternoon at the 61st General Conference Session, GC CFO/Treasurer Paul Douglas delivered his Treasurer’s Report, giving an overview of the financial position and performance of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church over the past seven years.

Douglas began his presentation by recognizing how the present financial position of the church would not be possible without God’s constant leading and providence—not only over the past seven years, but since the Adventist Church began in 1863.

Click here to read the full story

Global Church Celebrates Official Introduction of 10 New Unions to the Sisterhood of Unions

Since the last Seventh-day Adventist General Conference Session, the world church has experienced positive growth within its organization. Despite the challenges we have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries like Zimbabwe, Belize, and Ghana have undergone an increase in church membership, thus requiring the reorganization of unions leading the diverse regions. As a result, GC session delegates and attendees celebrated and welcomed 10 new unions into the sisterhood of unions



News from Adventist Review

Late Evening Discussion Points to Clarification on Ordination of Elders and Deaconesses

Tuesday’s first late-evening business session addressed two items on the clarification of election and ordination for elders who are female and deaconesses. The discussion, which lasted almost until the close of the meeting, was filled with numerous questions and comments from assembled delegates, both in person and via Zoom videoconferencing.

Click here to read the full Story



New General Vice-President Team is Elected

Tuesday morning’s general business session featured the election of seven vice presidents to the General Conference executive team, an addition of one position since the 2015 session. They are returning leaders Guillermo E. Biaggi, Abner De los Santos, Thomas L. Lemon, Geoffrey Mbwana, and Artur Stele. Ella Simmons, the first female general vice president in the church’s history, is retiring.