Ho`ike October 2024

Finding Ways to Mingle

Are you familiar with this inspired counsel? “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me’” (Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 143). Effective witnessing is so much more than forcing a piece of literature into an unwilling person’s hand. It can be difficult, expensive, time consuming, and sometimes messy. But Jesus calls us to follow Him to where He is working, wherever that might lead. What does it look like to mingle with people as one who desires their good? 

Pastor Ron Taylor and his wife, Vanessa, asked themselves that question while serving a small church with mostly elderly members on the beautiful island of Molokai. They prayed for guidance about how to mingle with people and minister to their needs. Pastor Ron thought about God’s question to Moses, “What’s in your hand?” What gifts and talents do I have that I can use for God to mingle? It so happens that Pastor Ron is a high-ranking jujitsu practitioner. “Sensei” Ron and Vanessa decided to offer jujitsu classes to local kids as an after-school activity. Supportive donors supplied mats and other equipment. “Jehovah Jireh Jujitsu” started small but has grown to 15-20 kids who pray with Ron and Vanessa before and after every class. Parents are grateful their children have something constructive to do with their time after school, and some are starting to ask Pastor Ron for prayer and counsel. “It’s a long-term witnessing project,” said Ron, “but with God’s help we are starting to see the fruits of our work.”  Mingling!

Pastor Jacob Moreno  leads the Kona training club.
Pastor Jacob Moreno leads the Kona training club.

Pastor Jacob Moreno serves in Kona on the island of Hawaii, known as the Big Island. Kona is the home of the granddaddy of all triathlons, the original “Iron Man.” The local community is very health and fitness conscious. Jacob asked God, “How can I mingle with people and show them I desire their good?” The answer came, “Start a triathlon training club!” With a few slightly out of shape but enthusiastic church members, Pastor Jacob began a training club, meeting very early on most mornings, swimming in the clear ocean waters, biking, and running. Participation grew as word got out about the club, aptly named “Warriors.” Pastor Jacob reports that he has seen non-attending church members coming back to church, and he has started Bible studies with some club members. He regularly prays with Buddhist friends and non-church-going persons. The Pathfinder Club at the Kona Hispanic church has grown as parents in the training club have shown interest in church activities. “Coach Jacob” has found a way to stay healthy as well as make meaningful contacts in the community. Mingling!

Pastor Ron and Vanessa Taylor decided to offer jujitsu classes to local kids as an after-school activity.
Pastor Ron and Vanessa Taylor decided to offer jujitsu classes to local kids as an after-school activity.

Pastor Tim Nelson serves a vibrant congregation on the Windward side of Oahu. The Kaneohe church is nestled in a beautiful valley with the majestic green-clad Koolau mountains towering in the distance. In answer to the question of how best to mingle as one who desires their good, the ministry called “Embrace Grace” was born. Pastor Nelson describes this important ministry: “Embrace Grace was started to give emotional, physical, and spiritual support to pregnant, single moms.” What better way to serve others than to seek to benefit the very vulnerable in the community? Another example of mingling!

Jesus mingled with every class of people in every walk and circumstance of life. He desired their good and bade them to follow. What a blessing to mingle with others and be His hands and feet in channeling His love to a needy world. God will bless us as we pray and plan for ways to mingle!


Welcoming New Ohana to Our Schools


New to Kohala Adventist School


Charity Espina, a teaching principal, returns as the new teacher for grades 1-6 at Kohala Adventist School (KOA). Ms. Espina was coaching at Loma Linda University’s EXSEED for seven years and is now the teaching principal at Kohala Adventist School. With her STEM-Outdoor Education/Forest School background, the students are doing hands-on learning on a daily basis. The school is set in the very small town of Hawi and will participate in passing out water to Kona Ironman athletes this October as they turn around near the school.  Ms. Espina is excited to work with a legacy group of students whose parents were also KOA students back in the day. This includes the new Taskforce worker, Hannah Mercill, who is the granddaughter of Leila and Dennis Mercill, previous teachers of Kohala Mission School and Kona Adventist Christian School. The Lord brings everyone full circle to do His work. Continue to pray for our Adventist schools and especially one-room schools.


New to Hawaii Mission Academy Ka Lama Iki



Amanda Barnes is a recent graduate of Pacific Union College. She grew up in Northern California and is excited about the privilege of moving to Hawaii to teach at Hawaii Mission Academy Ka Lama Iki. She loves spending time outdoors and hanging out with her friends and family.



Se Bin Bong graduated from Andrews University with a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education in May of 2024. With her passion for teaching young children, she is excited to start her journey at Hawaii Mission Academy Ka Lama Iki. She has experienced island life during her time as a student missionary at Majuro in the Marshall Islands, and she is thrilled to experience it again on the beautiful island of Oahu. Her Korean roots help in fostering diversity, embracing different perspectives and backgrounds, and including all types of learners. Outside the classroom, she loves to spend time in nature, read rom-com books, and create art. 


New to Mauna Loa School


Ana Bramhall is the new kindergarten, first-grade, and second-grade teacher for this year at Mauna Loa School. Born and raised in the Fiji Islands, she was educated in Australia. She met her husband Bob while he was in Fiji serving in the Peace Corps. The couple served as missionary teachers in the Marshall Islands, Yap, and Palau before moving to the mainland for stints in Arkansas, New Jersey, and California. She is currently coming out of retirement to serve us here at Mauna Loa School.



Allen Lipps has served two stints at Mauna Loa School already in the past. From 1998-2006 he served as the school principal and 5-8 teacher. Returning to Hawaii after 10 years in California, he moved his family to Kohala in 2016 before moving to Hilo again in 2018, serving as a departmental teacher at Mauna Loa School with Joey Freitas. He has been a principal for a total of 27 years.





New to Hawaiian Mission Academy


Robert Leal
assistant dean, band teacher, history teacher, computer apps 


Grace Leal
registrar, Spanish teacher, living skills 


Kyler Martin
math teacher, digital arts 


Isaac De La Cruz
choir teacher


Miguel Manzo
yearbook teacher




Pastor Brian Garcia Serves at Molokai Church

Brian Garcia was born and raised in South Texas, where he spent the first 18 years of his life. Brian desired to spend the rest of his life living a simple life there in the beautiful Rio Grande Valley. However, the Lord had different plans in store for him! 


After Brian completed his undergraduate degree at Union College (now Union Adventist University), the Lord opened doors for him to serve as a volunteer youth intern pastor in the Hawaii Conference at the Aiea church. He spent nearly four years there and was blessed to become associate pastor before receiving a call to serve in Guam as the chaplain at Guam Adventist Academy. 

Now Pastor Garcia—or as most refer to him, Pastor B—has accepted the call to once again serve in the Hawaii Conference as the volunteer assistant pastor on the island of Molokai. 

Pastor B describes himself as a servant at heart. His life’s mission is simple: Go where God leads, share the simple gospel, and love like Jesus. His main duties at the Molokai church will revolve around preaching, visitation, and community outreach, such as through the keiki jujitsu class, known as “Jehovah Jireh Jujitsu,” which was started by Head Pastor Ron Taylor.

Please keep Pastor B and the Molokai church in prayer as they seek to further God’s kingdom and His will for the island of Molokai.


New Hawaii Conference Ministerial Leadership Development Interns



Sam Ottinger is interning under the Hawaii Conference’s head of facility management. He has taken a year away from pursuing his construction management degree at Southern Adventist University to gain experience and build his skills.




Shelby Spears got her Bachelor of Science degree in conservation biology. She wanted to learn about ministry. She’s here with a willing heart for God’s calling.




Isaiah Lawrence is the youth intern at Aiea church. Hailing from Florida and studying theology at Southern Adventist University, Isaiah has come to Hawaii to do youth ministry.




Jean-Luc Mercado is a theology major at Southwestern Adventist University. He comes from Nashville, TN, also known as Music City. Working at Waipahu church, Jean-Luc has a passion for all forms of ministry, especially teaching youth.




Jonathan Felix comes from the Rocky Mountain Conference. Jonathan attended Souls West and is now ready to serve as an intern for the Kailua church, where he has been welcomed with aloha.