Our All God’s People production team visited with one of the most delightful octogenarians in the Seventh-day Adventist church at her hilltop home in Loma Linda, California.
Meet Georgia Hodgkin, the dietician extraordinaire and editor of volumes two and three of the iconic An Apple A Day cookbook series, which has significantly influenced multiple generations of Adventist food culture. Georgia was instrumental not just in editing volumes two and three of An Apple A Day but through her involvement in the whole series. Apart from her work as a professor of nutrition and dietetics at the School of Allied Health Professions at Loma Linda University for 42 years, she became a prominent voice in the vegetarian nutrition space.
First published in 1967, An Apple A Day celebrates its 55th anniversary this year. We talked with Georgia Hodgkin about her favorite recipes in all three cookbooks as well as why she thinks the popularity of this series is still at a high point today. Published by the Loma Linda University Medical Auxiliary, sales of the cookbooks since 1967 have supported medical mission work around the world.
To order Apple A Day cookbooks:
Loma Linda University Medical Auxiliary website:
August 2022 Recorder article about Georgia Hodgkin:
issuu.com/pacificunionrecorder/docs/0822recorder (pg. 12-15)
AGP episode about 55th Anniversary of Apple A Day: